Thursday, May 28, 2009

June's Newsletter

On the theme of keeping you guessing regarding my newsletters, I thought I would change it up again a bit. This month, I asked Nick Brown to write my newsletter, so you might have a different perspective of what is going on in my ministry. Also, there is a bit of an ego boost when I get to hear in someone else’s words what they think of me! HA!

You can hear Nick’s testimony on our website at

From Nick:

When Josh Cook asked me if I would write his newsletter for him, I wanted to steal his phone—not just cuz it’s rad either. I thought the best way to take a snap shot of the ministry in and around Josh would require his calendar, scroll-like call log, and the incessant reminder of how many people this man influences on a daily basis.

(Have you ever had coffee with Josh? His phone has to be recharged between refills.)

I decided not to take up theft just to write about Josh’s work this month. Instead of telling all ya’ll about the people Josh influences every day, I hope to convey how Christ’s work through Josh in May of 2009 has impacted just one person—me.

For the past year Josh has been a friend, mentor and pastor. During one of our meetings, Josh asked me “who is Christ in the flesh to you?” At the time I didn’t have an answer because I have trust issues, which basically means that receiving things from people feels like riding a fixed gear bike down a mountain—I’ve never done it mind you (my fixie application was denied due to my lack of coolness), but regardless it seems like a stupid thing to do. Just like trust. It seems really stupid.

Our men’s Bible study—which Josh leads—has been in the Gospel of John all year. I left our first meeting this month with a bad taste in my mouth. Josh had basically pulled the worst pastoral sucker punch in the history of pastors and sucker punches. He connected our struggle with sin to our lack of trust in Jesus. Jerk.

Yet the last year-and-a-half of knowing Josh Cook (or anyone else at Scum for that matter) has taught me that he is not the pastor who heaps spiritual blame and condemnation on the heads of struggling people. As much as I wanted to be angry and point my angry finger at the angry-faced pastor who hit my angry button, another look at Josh’s face informed me that he was not angry, nor did he exclude himself from his challenge; I had to look at myself.

Before I was angry, I felt hurt. Before I was hurt, I felt exposed. Before I was exposed, I was shown that my mistrust in Christ made my life worse. Instead of trusting God’s provision, healing and love, my nature is stealing, drinking and sleeping around. These things have hurt me. My friend and pastor was trying to help me.

I was able to receive the challenge because I have a relationship with Josh. I kinda know him, and I’ve kinda let him know me. Whatever discomfort I experienced that night at Bible study was framed within our relationship. As a result, I was able to receive his sharp words as discipline—the stuff the writer of Hebrews 12 references as evidence for God’s love and motivation to persevere.

In the greater context of my time hanging out with Josh whether at Scum, Bible study, out for coffee or just catching a movie, I have gotten to know him and enjoy him. This month in particular I realized that Josh is among a handful of people in my life God had used to strengthen my faith in Jesus by first teaching me to trust people. Maybe that makes Josh a fleshy Jesus to me.

Sometimes I get pissed off, hurt and exposed, but I’m beginning to see through people that God is with me, not against me. God is trying to teach and grow me, not torment me. From where I’m sitting, that makes God good, and I want to keep following a God like that.

I must admit, it’s truly humbling to read these words. I’m not too sure how to receive them, as they paint me in a much better light than I think to be true, but I am honestly honored to be friends with someone like Nick. He truly has been a blessing to me!

So, with that, I just ask that you pray that this ministry continues, and that God continues to let me do ministry alongside, with, and to my friends.

Thank you for all that you are!


Monday, May 18, 2009

Just a Picture

It's pictures like this that make me love my church!