Friday, July 11, 2008

The Gospel

So, Monday night I went to go see Shane Claiborne, the author of Irresistible Revolution and Jesus for President, speak at a local church. He is a passionate speaker, who is wildly in love with Jesus.

In the process, I heard several things caught my ear, and was both encouraged and discouraged all at once. I was encouraged, because they spoke of change and the vividness of the Gospel. They talked about how God is still in the business of changing people's lives through the work of Jesus on the Cross. And how that work brings about holistic change.

But I was equally discouraged that I have lost some of this excitement in my own life. Over the past four years at Scum, a couple of rough summers in Glasgow, working with people with various addictions, and a seminary education that can act to sap anybody's faith, I have found that while my belief in the power of the Gospel hasn't waned, it has been tempered by experiences.

And so I've spent significant amount of times trying to understand the miraculous effect of the Good News on the lives of those around me, as well as its impact on my own life. I've tried to understand what healing is and isn't, only to come to understand that a healing God is One who loves us enough to allow us to wrestle with Him as part of the process of healing. Wrestling with God heals our pride, our self-centeredness, our selfishness, and our self-idolizing. It's the painful part of the process, but it's a good One. One that is transformative and healing. God's Gospel is changing lives all around me (and mine as well) in a way that is keeping with His patience and grace, so that the transformation will be lasting and effective.

So, may the power of the Gospel be ever with you!

Our Father, we have listened to thy word, and loved it; we have found comfort and inspiration in song and psalter; we have enjoyed the companionship of those who, with kindred minds and hearts, have praised and worshiped thee. Now help us to understand that, as we leave this sacred House of God, we shall become thy Church in the street.

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