Monday, May 26, 2008

New Home

Here's a flyer for our new church home we're trying to get

you can see more pictures here

We're trying to raise $600,000 for the building. I know it's quite the task, but I trust that God is still in the business of doing miracles!


That’s right! Scum has found a place to call home! Where? 935 W. 11th Ave, on the southwest edge of downtown Denver in the heart of the arts district and a mere four blocks from thousands of college students on the Auraria campus. It is an old brick church with a long and storied history, originally built in 1881, and most recently renovated (interior, plumbing, electric, roof) and used as a studio/residence by a local artist. Never before had we seen anything that fit our personality so well – a classic brick façade paired with a quirky, artistic interior, an historic place of worship with a creative flair. Finally, a place where we can see our hopes and dreams come true! 935 W. 11th Ave is the first place we’ve seen that has given all our staff and board members that “this is the one” feeling when viewed in person; it is the same feeling many of us had when we met the one we wanted to marry or walked into the house for sale that would soon become our future home. Do you know that feeling? Isn’t it great?! Needless to say, we are extremely excited and feel that our prayers have been answered. What’s more, we feel that God is excited to see this former house of worship reclaimed for His kingdom.

Here’s the catch – the building is selling for $650,000, has been on the market for two years, is in foreclosure, and has already entered a 60 day notice of public auction which ends on July 3rd. Scum is going to put in an offer of $625,000 contingent upon our ability to secure financing by June 27th. Time is of the essence, to say the least. Through diligent fundraising efforts, the church has raised $100,000 toward purchasing its own facility. However, Scum does not have sufficient resources to obtain a real estate loan through conventional lending institutions. We are seeking to raise enough money to purchase the building outright as well as establish a small reserve fund for renovations and ongoing maintenance. Therefore, in addition to the $100,000 we already have, we need to raise $600,000 by June 27th.

We fully realize that pulling this off will take a miracle. In fact, that is what we expect to happen. We’re praying for it. As friends of Scum who have already helped us out so much, please know that we deeply appreciate you and realize that we would not be in the position we are today without your generosity. We hope that you will continue to partner prayerfully and financially with Scum of the Earth Church in this exciting moment as well as the days to come.

How can you help? We need two things – prayer and money. We may be looking for donations of labor or materials in the future, but at this point we just want to get in the door. At a bare minimum we can begin holding services there and can then develop a long-term plan for fully utilizing the space.

Join us in praying for a miracle. This is something our board members, staff, lay leadership, and congregation are committed to doing over the next month. We want to be incredibly sensitive to what the Holy Spirit has to say, especially since emotions and stress may be running high.

Sponsor square feet. With 5,541 finished and 2,325 unfinished square feet, the cost of the building comes out to about $80 per square foot. Would you be willing to sponsor one or more square feet? You can:
· Mail a check to Scum of the Earth Church. PO Box 101808. Denver, CO 80205. Please make all checks out to Scum of the Earth Church and write “Building” in the memo line.

· Donate online at Follow the donation link on the main page.

· Donate stock. This can be a great strategy for avoiding that nasty capital gains tax.

Get creative! Contact friends and family and hold an impromptu fundraising dinner – we can provide you with materials. Sell some old cds or dvds. Auction off that old record player on Ebay or Craig’s List (I know of one donor who actually sold an old guitar and gave the cash to the Scum building fund). Collect loose change around the home or the office. Whatever.

Pass this email on to anyone you can think of!

What happens if we don’t reach our goal in time? We desire to honor your intentions in helping us obtain this specific property. Scum of the Earth Church will hold all donations in an special account until June 27th. If we fall short, we will contact you to ask if you would your donation to fund our ongoing efforts to find a home or if you would like it returned.

Thank you for your time and consideration. As always, feel free to contact me by phone or email if you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas.

Feel free to check out more pictures of the place here.

Peace be with you,

Timothy Dunbar
Administrative Pastor
Scum of the Earth Church

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