Monday, May 5, 2008


So, one of the things that I long for in my work is the ministry of presence: the ability to be fully where I am at all times.

I know this is a difficult task for me, as I find that the more busy I am, and the more things I have on my mind, the less likely I am to be able to be where I am at that moment. It is a reality that my mind tends to wander to any number of other things that I know must get done, and this is not alright.

In his book, The Rest of God, Mark Buchannan notes that taking a sabbath is ultimately choosing to realize for one day that we are not God. The entire world around us does not depend on our ability to hold it in place. Rather, we are merely a player in a cosmic masterpiece. We are not the authors or composers or directors.

Christ, when he walked the earth, had the weight of the world on his shoulders. He was in the process of reconciling the creation to the Creator. In His work rests the entirety of redemption and salvation. He is God.

Yet we see Him rest. And we see Him recline at tables with sinners and tax collectors. And we see Him present with others, as those who were directly in front of Him were the most pressing need He needed to address. His presence was redemption.

May this be a day of presence for us as we realize that Christ invites us to rest in His redemption as we partner in His work.

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